Ten of Wands, reversed
Happy birthday month, Gemini! June offers you the chance to lighten your load, and accept help with some of the responsibilities you’ve been carrying. Accepting help is a sign of strength, remember. You don’t have anything to prove by constantly maxing yourself out. Wands are the suit of fire, so think of this card as an invitation to reclaim your passion, sex, life force, and creativity. When you delegate tasks or bring in support, you free up your amazing creative energy. And then you can REALLY have fun!
The Sun, reversed
Cancer, this month you’re invited to reconnect with your light. In tarot, The Sun card represents clarity, warmth, renewal, growth, power, and innocence. You can connect with this archetype by thinking about the actual sun. The sun is always there, no matter what. Even if you can’t see it, if you’re in a windowless room or if it’s night in your part of the globe. So if you’ve been feeling dull and dark, step outside into the sunlight and feel your inner light glow in response to the sun.
Ten of Swords, reversed
Leo, this is the end of the line for some repetitive thoughts. You are at the point where you’ve thought and over-thought until there’s no more thinking left to do. When you find yourself starting to overthink or play out worst-case scenarios in your head, imagine you’re hitting pause and deleting that “what if everything is terrible” song from your mental library. Practice that this month, get really good at it. You’re going through this now so that you can be fresh and clear once Leo season comes around.
Six of Pentacles
Virgo, this month offers you one of your most classic Virgo faves: service. This card shows up when you’ve been taking care of yourself well. You have enough resources to share, and sharing keeps you balanced. Have some extra time, let someone ahead of you in line. Have some extra money, donate. Have an extra bit of posterboard and physical stamina? Head to a protest. To keep the service flowing, keep taking care of yourself first, so you can show up fully and do the most good.
Four of Swords
Time to take a break from your brain, Libra. This month is about creating inner space. In old style tarot decks, this card often shows a body in repose. When your body is calm, it helps calm the mind. You know your body best, and you know whether your mind volume is easiest to turn down when you’re taking a nap, taking a bath, masturbating, meditating, crafting, or exercising. Whatever bodily activity gives you a break from brain chatter, try doing it every day for the month of June.
Ace of Pentacles, reversed
June brings you a new opportunity, Scorpio. It’s there, don’t doubt it. Maybe you don’t feel ready or responsible enough to finally get the new thing you’ve wanted, so you hesitate to accept it. But in tarot, the Ace of Pentacles is a gift from the universe, and all you have to do is say yes. You’ve been working all year long on feeling more at home in your body, your work, your planet. A new chance to do just that is exactly what you need. Say yes.
Six of Wands
You’re in your element this month, Sagittarius. Your work is paying off and people are noticing you and paying attention. Get ready to receive compliments and praise. And practice believing it. Outwardly you seem like you’re the life of the party at all times, but you’re more sensitive than people notice at first. Six of Wands offers you a chance to honor your outer seeming and inner being. The key here is to hold your ground and receive this attention with humility and grace. You deserve it, and you can enjoy it.
Page of Wands
Capricorn, the next step in mastering your ambition is learning to play. You’ve really come a long way, and figured out how to spend your energy wisely so you can get a lot done without burning out. Now try doing all that while having fun. Give yourself permission to explore and try new things, and to keep playing even if you’re not automatically good at them. Let your work be a playful experiment, see how it feels to hold your ambition lightly, rather than with a death-grip.
Queen of Cups, reversed
This month, Aquarius, remember to come up for air. You’re in the midst of some deep intuitive soul-searching, which is timely and necessary. Just make sure you’re set up for success here. Queen of Cups is the wateriest of water cards, and reversed, bring in some air to help. Think of it like having a full air tank before you go diving. Water equals emotion, air equals mind. Talk or write about your feelings, let your keen mind help you make sense of the deep emotional work you’re doing.
Three of Cups, reversed
Pisces, friendships are extra important for you this month. If you’re feeling like a loner or the new kid at school, remember that almost everyone thinks they’re weird, too. Nobody is judging you as hard as you judge yourself. Group situation are necessary for your personal growth this month. So put yourself in the crowd. Go to neighbors’ parties, take a group fitness class, or gather your friends for a dance party. Let yourself be part of something bigger, and see what personal insight that offers you.
The Lovers, reversed
It’s ok to be vulnerable, Aries. This month offers you an opportunity to be really seen and heard by another person or people. Sometimes we need another person to reflect a truth about ourselves back to us, that we couldn’t see alone. In tarot, The Lovers is about partnering, mirroring. That doesn’t always have to be a sexual or romantic partner, but it is always a deep connection that requires a measure of vulnerability. Pay attention in your significant relationships, learn from what is mirrored back to you.
Three of Wands, reversed
Taurus, this month offers you a pause before you strike out on the next stage of your journey. Last month brought a bit of a shakeup to your sign, now you’re adjusting your course. If you need a compass, let it be love. What do you love, that you’d like to do more of? Who do you love that you’d like to see more? What place do you love, that you want to visit next? Go toward what makes you feel alive and full of love.